We find many organizations stress their employees should follow the rules and procedures to keep themselves safe. Interestingly, when we examine their accident data, we seldom find compliance to be a significant cause of their remaining accidents. A recent client stressing compliance was shocked to discover less than 3% of their accidents had compliance issues as contributary causes.

Is Compliance Your Problem?
This does not mean compliance should be minimized or ignored. It is often this stress on compliance that gets the organization from bad to good in safety. However, compliance alone will seldom get you from good to great. That is most often accomplished by continuing compliance efforts while focusing on discretionary issues that go above and beyond compliance. A quick Pareto analysis can tell you if your injuries are coming from rule and procedure violations or happening despite workers being in compliance.

credit: https://proactsafety.com/blog-posts/is-compliance-your-problem

Author: Terry Mathis, Founder and CEO of ProAct Safety

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